It was awesome.
We went through Old Nauvoo and saw a lot of stuff, but even being there two days didn't allow us to see everything. I noticed this time in Nauvoo that they've started to leave their testimonies at the end of their presentations. They even compare a lot of things in their demonstrations to the gospel. It's really interesting. I found out that the missionaries in Nauvoo aren't allowed to proselyte due to harsh feelings still there from the early period of the church. It was a deal we made with Nauvoo; if we could restore Old Nauvoo, we wouldn't proselyte.
This new way of giving tours, however, will initiate more questions and spread the gospel a little faster. I like it.
While we were at Carthage, the sister who gave us the tour knew me from BYU-I (I didn't know her, but she knew me). She said she'd had a hard time when she got her call, and even at that point she was struggling to know that that's really where she needed to be.
It was good to talk to her.
We went caving yesterday. It was awesome. We were covered, completely covered, in mud. It was better than all the caves i've been to in Leavenworth and Idaho combined.
Now I'm back home. I like being home. All my friends are going back to Idaho and starting school next week. I thought I would be sad, but I'm not. I'm completely content. What I'm doing is what I need to be doing. That's a good feeling, to know that where I am and what I'm doing is exactly what needs to be taking place.
I'm so excited to go to the MTC. Someone tried to tell me that I'd be homesick during the holidays... NOPE. I'm pretty hardcore about anything I do.
I came to a very significant conclusion a few weeks ago. I hope I never lose sight of what I'm doing and what I'm doing it for.
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